Monday, October 22, 2007


After three visits upstairs, I went up with the boy to sit in the room with her for comfort. This backfired. I got Monito set up on our bed - pacifier, balloon to look at - and pulled Pequita out of her crib, I nursed her in case she was hungry, and she fell asleep off the boob in four minutes flat.
I don't know if I failed her and this process I'm trying by putting her to sleep in my arms and then setting her down in her crib, but worse would have been no nap, H-mama walking in the door and nursing her down in seconds flat. She needs to have a ritual that is with me that I can maintain while still attending to Monito's needs. Sigh. I've read the whole sleep section at Ask Moxie and tonight I start reading The No Cry Sleep Solution. Then the Jay Gordon book.

In my free time.

This part of parenting sucks.

1 comment:

Alison Williams said...

Poor you -- sounds HORRID. I assume because I was child no. 4, my parents put me down in the basement. No lasting damage :-).

Do you have all the telly programs we do? Like Super Nanny? All I can say after watching them is that it won't get easier if you wait till they can get out of bed and out of the room on their own!