Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Come out, come out, where ever you are!

Delurk, you varmints!

The Great Mofo Delurk 2007

My Internet - which includes our digital phone - went out yesterday. Nice, eh, for me to ask you to delurk when I'm not even posting? It is back up, and I offer you these lovely pictures in lieu of a real meaty post since both children are awake and clinging to my legs (the cable guy scared Pequita, and Monito is just hungry like always.) Now that I've been here & waiting since noon for the repair guy, were LEAVING the house and going to the park. We ALL need to run around a bit.

Thanks for reading!

(And by the way, I'm ditching the digital phone for the annoying expensive landline. I have a cell phone, but it only works if I'm next to the stove in the kitchen, in the driveway or in the MBR and stand on one leg with my arms in the air and a metal hanger in my mouth for reception. An exaggeration, but not by much. What would happen if the baby starts choking in the bathroom, or falls down the stairs and I have to choose between resuscitating them and staying on the line in the other room? Unacceptable.)

Pequita and Homestead Mama. Can you spot the missing slipper that H-Mama tried to find for 20 minutes before I spotted it? (Hint: it has a red lining, and she had just been holding Pequita on her hip.)
Monito in his fall togs and wearing Pequita's beloved strawberry felted hat. Finally winter is coming. I barely made it through all the hot months.


Anonymous said...

Not that this is an "I Spy" contest or anything, but I think that you took credit for MY awesome find (hanging out of H-mama's pants). But I'm sure that in general you find way more interesting things in there. xxx

Homestead Mom said...

Yes, well, we mostly just imagine what interesting things the other has to offer these days. It is lucky our kids are so engaging.

Two Mamas said...


What are you feeding him? WOW.