Thursday, October 11, 2007

Birthday Girl

My parents arrived with a trunk load of clothing & hand-me-downs for kids. In and amongst the fantastic loot was a tutu. I immediately set it in the give-away pile (which was tiny - this is some good stuff) until I thought about it, and tried it on Pequita for kicks. She loved it. She liked running around in it so much that I took her upstairs and put on appropriate clothes under it. The trainer pants and polar.tec sweatshirt didn't do it justice. With a black Peter Pan collared onesie and purple leggings she was so sleek and lovely she ran around singing for a good long time. We took advantage of this. Behold.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I was with you all night so I'm not sure why I checked your blog when I got home-- clearly you did not post anything new while I was with you. See, this blog thing is ridiculous. xxx k