Wednesday, October 10, 2007

You know you're a parent when...

the answer to the question "is that too much poop on my pants (shirt/sock) to go out in?" is no.


Anonymous said...

Gross. Don't forget that there's no shame in looking pretty, too.

Becca said...

Charlie went to daycare with the TEENIEST bit of poo on one of his socks. It was the last clean pair so what can you do?

And once I ran my hand through my hair during a diaper change and got poop in it. I did the best I could with a wipe but wasn't able to take a shower until after bedtime. Yuck!

Homestead Mom said...

I look pretty enough of the time to disregard the barest hint of poo on my pant leg. Parenting is a battlefield, don't you know!