Monito has sadly graduated to a convertible
car seat. Sadly because this means I can't leave him sleeping in the infant carrier and tote him around. He'll be in the same seats as his sister. I put his together, got it all adjusted and set it on the dining room floor until I had enough daylight & time to install it. Homestead Mama's bastard cat peed in it overnight. The cover is now in the tub soaking in enzymatic cleaners, and the base has been hosed off and blow-dried to keep it from rusting or gumming up in a way that could effect its functioning.
H-mama has kept both her cats outside and away from me all day, which was a good plan. I installed the other new
car seat in my car so I'm ready for the week to start, and we'll put the now tainted one in H-mama's car once we are assured it is clean. Goddamn cats. I don't ever want to own cats again once these last two die (and may that come swiftly.)
Bad Kitty!!!
Some car seat companies will sell replacement covers if it comes to it.
Monito must be getting really big. Did he graduate due to weight or height?
- Michele (MSL)
Height, definitely. He was 15 lbs last visit, so is still under the 22 lb max, but his head is to the top and his feet literally dangle off the bottom. Makes sense, as the pants he fits are highwater on his ankles if they fit his waist. So different from P!
What brand of carseats are those? I've never seen them but they look comfy!
We've decided once the animals die we're not replacing them.
Sunshine Kids Radian 80. Metal frame, fits infants through 80 lbs. High sides, since I'm paranoid about side-impact collisions & we don't have side airbags on the cars. Very happy with them, including their ability to release cat pee smell.
We'll always have a dog, but I can't wait until that is all we have.
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