At her 12 month checkup, Pequita weighed in at 24 pounds (80th percentile) and measured 28.5 inches (50th percentile). If they leave us waiting in the exam room, it gets hot, so I open the door to get air and remind them that we are waiting with a baby. She had a great time running around.
Her lead levels had gone up, from 8.9 to 9.5, = not in a way that is statistically significant. The doc was pleased to hear about us finding the likely source of lead exposure, and we'll re-test her in 3 months. He has high hopes that she'll have a markedly lower level then. Her exposure to date should have no significant effect on her development, other than the lowering of her I.Q. by up to 7 points. This whole episode has been and will continue to be a hard thing to endure. I am sick of all medical and plumbing professionals saying, "Boy, I've never heard of a clawfoot tub causing lead exposure." I can't believe that no one mentions this! Clearly, folks know about it:
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