Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Yeah, two moms

Momma Penguin commented, "What to do when there are two Mums? I foresee some trouble ahead, [my partner] is MUCH softer than I am... "

Yup. Homestead Mama may be the 'tough' one at her job, carry a gun, employ a curt and no-bullshit communication style, and seem like a wall of firmness and resolve, but I am the disciplinarian in the house. Her heart is very big, and she hates to make anyone unhappy. Me? If it for the greater good, I'll make everyone miserable.

We have a weird division of labor/ childcare. The second kid really created two teams, each of us acting as primary caregiver for our own spawn. This will lessen as Monito becomes able to sit up, walk, etc. At this point, Homestead Mama comes home and takes over with Pequita, because she misses her, P is more fun to interact with at this stage, and also because after 9 hours straight with her, I am ready to not see or hear her for a little while. Monito is still breastfeeding almost exclusively from me, so I get him. For now, we each have very specific ideas about how things are to happen, how to parent. I assume that straight couples have to work this out too, but it is trickier when you have distinct input on how someone else is breastfeeding. I will have to ask mothers of twins if they had a similar (wo)man-on-(wo)man defensive system. They must.
Momma Penguin also had an excellent point the other day. Better to do all this sleep training before Pequita can get herself out of her own bed. That, my friends, would be an endeavor of nightmarish proportions.

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