Wednesday, September 26, 2007

It's 10 am: Do You Know Where Your Kids Are?

[warning - potentially fatally boring]

Pequita is yawning after a hard morning of pulling all the clothes off the shelves. (*My* brilliant idea to forego dressers for nice open shelves for our things. Stupid in hindsight.) Monito is wide awake, but since the right snack bar is full and has his name on it, he'll be asleep shortly. I managed to re-organize the nursery clothes to get all baskets up-to-date, only current clothes in the armoire, and cull all the put-away-in-case-I-or-myu-sister-has-another-baby clothes and the smaller pile of clothes to sell. I also put away 2 baskets of clean laundry. I was never this organized before I had kids, especially not this earlly in the morning.

Damn it all. Pequita was playing in the kitchen (pulling all the tupperware off the shelf we set up for her) and 60 seconds later I heard her distress call. She had made it up the stairs that I had left ungated (a thump for me) and was at the top of the stairs wanting help to get down. Holy crap. Bad mommy. Really fast & quiet Pequita, though.

[Edited at 10:27 am: Monito asleep in swing, creaking under his bulk with every swing. Pequita asleep on her pillow pile next to the couch. Yippee! Uninterrupted coffee for me and some time to call the accountant and price cheaper car insurance.]

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