Wednesday, December 9, 2009

To Blog or To Make Holiday Gifts?

Clearly, gifts have been winning. 

Wet felted balls batch #1.  Homestead Mama's hand for relative size.  Monito refuses to let them out of his site, let alone to be shipped off to other kids.  I may have to rethink letting the kids participate in our gift-giving to others.

I've finished a thrummed mitten, too.  I'll do a mitten rundown tomorrow.


Jillian said...

Well the gifts may be winning, but the 'net isn't losing either.

Site. Sight. ;)

What I really wanted to say was that I am continually impressed with your craftiness!!

Alison Williams said...

Awesome! I too am consumed with crafting, but it is all just slow knitting. New Year's Resolution is to learn to knit faster, i.e., continental. Looking forward to seeing the mittens!