Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Peg People

I have been feeling badly about not blogging more, both because it is my record of what's happening in my life and also because my friends IRL are calling, emailing, asking if I'm ok or if I've fallen into a funk that I need help getting out of. (I must say, I have encountered no funk that toddlers cannot roust me out of. Best medicine ever.)

I haven't been sitting on my thumbs. I have been investing my evenings in crafting the likes of which I haven't mustered since before the second kid was born. I will be posting some pictures over the next few days so you can comment and lavish me with positive reinforcement.

Christmas is heading our way rather fast. I've done all the online shopping I had to do, and come the 25th the kids will be jumping on an indoor 40 " trampoline and riding around the yard on a pedal-powered green front-end loader. Happy happy, joy joy. I've been making a bunch of other smaller things to fill in holes in our toy arsenal. From my favorite wooden acorn source, I ordered a bunch of plain wood people shapes. I've made some into gnomes, left some plain, and am painting the rest into various little personalities. As always, the prototypes are a bit rough and take a lot longer than future versions. I am, for the most part, having a blast doing this. I LOVE painting the people, and suspect that investing in paint brushes that didn't come in a kids' water color box would improve my accuracy.

Mermaid, pirates, wolf and Little Red Riding Hood.

Assorted playmates.

Christmas avatars for each of us to display on our holiday table.

The two tall guys need no introduction, but the little guy is for Monito. He is entering superhero admiration, so one for himself seems appropriate.

I have a whole box of blanks still to work on, although I am about to stop for the holidays.


Alison Williams said...

OMG, they are FABULOUS! Love, love. I just figured you needed a blogging break. I know what you mean about it being the record though, that's the part that makes me feel most guilty at the moment...

Jillian said...

Oh my GOSH! I wish I had that creative streak! Perhaps I'll get lucky and find it later in life... I'm just now coming into my domestic own and I never saw THAT one coming either...

They're absolutely gorgeous. My favorites are definitely the family... though... Super Monito drives a hard bargain. So adorable! :)

Becca said...

SO CUTE! Are you taking orders? LOVE the avatars. So fun.

zeebah said...

Wow! Those are fantastic!!