Thursday, December 10, 2009

Needle Felting

I put some finishing touches on the felted balls with a little needle felting.  It is a fairly precise activity; I was watching Fringe, and have the two thumb piercings to prove it.  I am totally pleased with the results, and will definitely make more. 

We'll see if my skills are as good as I think they are - the red guy is not Santa, but is a Tomten or gnome.  Could you tell?


Cloth Diapers said...

What a great idea. I love these. Very cute gnome.

Grandma said...

Clearly you have something to teach your mother. These are just beautiful! Hope I can learn how to do them and yes the red one looks like a little cute.

KD said...

yes I knew immediately it was a gnome. How do you needle felt? I have made the balls, but the needling is new. Interesting. Pretty.