Thursday, July 19, 2007

I Vant To Be Alone

Actually, I am grateful for every day my mother could stay here helping out. She left Wed am, Homestead Mama started back to work full time this past Monday, and I have been alone with the boy. Homestead Mama drops Pequita off at daycare & picks her up each evening, and I spend the day at home with Monito living quietly, reveling in the few chores I can accomplish in between feedings, and have already had 2 friends stop over to visit. I love this!

I just googled the Wonder Weeks, since in the clutter that fills my house I cannot find the actual book, and find that we are just now hitting two - count them TWO - of the stormy periods at the same time, 36 weeks and 6 weeks. Lucky us. Pequita was up to nurse many times last night which is exhausting, particularly for H-mama. Usually she is up maybe twice. Because she has to work, I have been waking around 5 am and tending to the boy (and Pequita as I am able) to let her keep sleeping. I can take a nap once they go to work/ daycare, except on days like this when I make myself a cup of coffee w/ the beans my mother bought while here. Oops - caffeinated, and I am now a lightweight after about 3 years of abstaining in preparation for procreation. I have been buzzing since about 9:30 am.

I'll post a lot shortly. I apologize. I have many pictures and updates, not the least of which is that my awesome mechanic found an engine for our car, so by mid-next week I should have wheels (=freedom) again. I can't wait!

xoxo Homestead Mom

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