Monito is blossoming. He is eating everything we pass within 2 feet of his mouth. He wants it all much faster than I can get it to him, and certainly faster than he can feed himself. He grunts and squeals when I am not fast enough with the oatmeal & pears, noodles, graham cracker, acacado, rice, lasagna, whatever. He is far more demanding than Pequita was about food. He then must rest, having consumed a full measured cup of food or more at any sitting.
We are so proud.
Heh-- eats a big 'ol meal and then takes a nap-- that runs in the family. :-D His great-uncle P. does that quite often on the weekends.
What a sweet picture!!!
We have yet to reach the bottom of Charlie's appetite. Maybe it's a boy thing?
The cookie cutter has been working again. I can't believe how much he reminds me of you as a babe. What a beautiful child you have. I can't wait to cuddle and play with both your beautiful babies. The time with a good friend in the park and car reminded me of my time with Angela A. when we did the similar thing together. So happy you have such nice friends to hang with. Love ya..
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