Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Let It Grow
Behold the glory. Purple garden fairy is a lovely extra, eh?
The kitchen potager in the immediate yard is also coming nicely, filled with herbs, flowers and overflow veggies.
Monday, June 29, 2009
Homestead Mama's father is visiting with his wife. They are staying in the guest house, which is their 41' RV parked in our driveway, bump-outs out, awnings up, the whole experience. He can be seen at all hours strolling shirt-less around the property walking his 3 tiny dogs. This morning I had to remove some towels from under my windshield wipers which had apparently been put there to dry. We are going ghetto, my friends. Sadly, they will be driving their guest house elsewhere tomorrow morning and H-Mama will go back to work. It will be nice to get back to normal.
I finished getting the gardens in. I'll post pictures when I can make it all the way into the backyard without getting caught in a thunderstorm. I also have close to 3 gallons of strawberry & rhubarb stewed up to turn into sauce and jam and fruit leather. Busy busy! This is the summer of a pressure canner, so I can put up tomato sauce, home made ketchup - does anyone else think store bought is too sweet? - and I've already got many packets of basil pesto in the freezer, one of my favorite things to break out when snow is on the ground. I need a bigger larder, clearly.
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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Cute Now, But Just Wait
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Just for the Record
I am not ready to wean my 2 and 2 3/4 year old kids. NOT READY. When they ask and I give them ten seconds, counted down, so they feel the connection without causing let-down? INSUFFICIENT. Kills me every time. Just for the record.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
And the Rain Rain Rain Came Down Down Down
Holy cow, but the rain is intense. All day for the last few days, hard and driving or soft and fun to play in. We played in the house yesterday until the kids were ready for naps; lots of forts and tunnels and legos. Then, according to the master plan, we were going to end the browsing phase and actually buy our wedding rings. Since our regular babysitter, Auntie Kiko, was busy jumping out of a plane, we drove them to sleep and parked right next to the door of the local lesbian-owned jewelry store, left Burl Ives playing and the engine running for vibration, and darted inside to have a second visit with the wedding rings Homestead Mama selected on our first, rushed visit.
The kids love visiting the jewelry store - so many glass cases upon which to smear their hands, tall display cases to make shake and wobble, and two super nice clerks who get down on the carpet and play with them. There is a one-eyed coiled snake made of faux pearls that we named Pippi [we name everything Pippi] and I made up a story about how she lost her eye to a frisky mongoose in India. As much as we love that version of shopping, it was nice to be child-free, hold hands and make moony eyes at each other while we pondered a wedding ring. She finally selected a beautiful band ring with some modest but sparkly diamonds. The artist thinks he can get it back to us before we go on vacation to Martha's Vineyard, where we intend to have a tiny - the kids and us - ceremony. I will be using my grandmothers ring which my mother graciously and kindly agreed to hand down to me for the occasion. I have loved it always and am really thrilled to be able to use it as my wedding ring. Homestead Mama is having a new plain band made for me to accompany it; she will pair her new ring with her grandmother's simple platinum wedding band. We'll each have something old, something new.
Home again after shopping, we had to get really creative with activities to keep the kids happy. I pulled out the mosquito net found at the thrift store for $4 and attached it to the hooks in the ceiling where we swing in the winter. Oh, my goodness this was a hit. Some pillows underneath and voila, almost an hour of joy.
After tubby, stories and the requisite chapter of Pooh, I retired downstairs to perfect my Ruby June recipe. I found my vintage glasses and enjoyed a taste of sunshine as the deluge continued.
I woke up this morning at 5 when Monito starts rooting around for attention and realized that perhaps it would behoove me to actually find someone to marry us and make an appointment so we can go through with this next month.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Ruby June
Drinks at the Homestead tonight, anyone? I've got 5 lbs of rhubarb on my counter that doesn't stand a chance of becoming pie now. And to think, I ordered an additional 15 lbs of rhubarb from my CSA this past Wednesday before I even considered mixing it with tequila! How fortuitous. I've got JUST the vintage glasses to drink this in.
Monday, June 15, 2009
We partied with friends all morning. There was sandbox and gravel pit fun, swing set frolic, tag and chase - good for nap-prep, naked swimming, naked sliding, naked peeing-in-the-yard, and then NAP.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Four is a Crowd
Today was a wonderful 2nd birthday for Monito. We had a nice group of people to celebrate with us, and the kiddie pool, sandbox, swingset, toys and yard were all in hot rotation. We ended the day with a family cook out, hot dogs and s'mores over the campfire. All day I was dreading a repeat of last night. I let Pequita have her village help her get to sleep - Mama and I stayed with her the whole time, and grandma read a chapter of Winnie the Pooh, and was followed by grandpa singing a medley of Stephen Foster songs. Both Pequita and Mama are asleep in Monito's toddler bed; Monito was asleep in his crib an hour ago. Why can't kids come with a manual? How can I allow a kid to need four adults in the room for her to go to sleep? [Insert sigh of futility.]
Saturday, June 13, 2009
"...But When She Looked, The Cupboard Was Bare"
So I'll start torturing the children today and try again next cycle. Sigh. Um, I mean RAH! RAH! Bring it on!
Friday, June 5, 2009
I had breakfast with Auntie Kiko this morning and while doing nothing in particular my back started twinging. She gently forced me to take care of myself right then on the spot - thanks, Kiko. She led us over to her chiropractor who fit me right in, and she played with the kids while I was treated. I am not a huge fan of chiropractic treatment, but I am so much less a fan of back spasms while caring for two toddlers. I WILL go back at least a few more times and see if it helps.
I haven't identified my usual focus points this birthday, and since it was a decade birthday (yay, 40) it is all the more important that I do this. Focus points are my version of resolutions. Every year I pay attention to where I need personal growth, and figure out how to get it done. Call it hokey, but it works for me. I think that finding a way to make time for myself daily and getting myself to where I need to be physically will be it this year. Meditation practice and fitness building are it. I spend a lot of time frazzled by the kids in general, and trying to have a third (!?!?!) won't alleviate that very much. I do not come by a quiet mind naturally, but I've found that my addictive personality latches itself just as willingly onto meditation as it does the less constructive behaviors.
And if I don't get healthy an fit now, then when? The sooner I lose the extra 40 lbs I carry around the better. I was playing with the kids and wanted to show them some fancy moves on the jungle gym, and, uh, not so easy to dangle and frolic with FORTY extra lbs pulling on me. I am really strong now, I can carry 70+ lbs of wiggly toddler up the stairs but how much nicer to have an easier time of it.
I am not carving out enough time for myself in general, but specifically I need to whip my core strength back/abs into shape. There is a 6am hot bikram yoga class that I fantasize about going to, but so far haven't made the leap of faith/ time/ brevity/ effort to start going. I usually get back into shape on my own in private before publicly exercising. Taking my out-of-shape butt to a class which would be, for at least a month, very very difficult would be out of character.
And so, today I open myself to it. All of it. I'll let you know how it goes.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
The smell is so thick upstairs I actually feel ill. I've opened windows, put a fan on, and taken a Benedryl to help my brain get me to sleep despite the stench and the fury of so careless a decision as to let 2 digs into the house stinking like this. (Fury = I must say, I hate to be awakened, and have oodles if trouble getting back to sleep under the best of circumstances.) It is 11pm, we haven't got the ingredients required to deskunkify the dogs or their beds - I've placed both out on the porch for tomorrow and hope the dogs will keep from barking all night. I'll have to deal with it after she's gone to work Friday, with 2 toddlers wanting to help and with 2 nights of sleeplessness under my belt. Sigh.
If you have dogs. Commit this to memory and stock up:
1 bottle 3% hydrogen peroxide
1/4 c baking soda
1 ts dish soap
Mix, dilute with water slightly and scrub, keeping away from eyes.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
*big fat negative