Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pumpkin Carving simulator
Friday, October 24, 2008
My Life In Pictures
As I was recovering today after surgery, Homestead Mama and my dad brought the kids to visit. We dutifully lined up for pictures. They have been emailed off to the relatives already. My family is a little nuts, but in a good way.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Job Security
The kids did charm the hell out of the nurses, even with the stench wafting after them.
Pardon the spelling. Pain meds are definitely pon board!
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Still alive
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Maybe hospital johnnies are made of cashmere now?
I do surgery well. I know the routines. However, I am awash with PTSD when I have surgeries. I taste all the meds in my IV and anti-nausea patch.
Mostly I just hate waking up afterwards.
Gotta go feel nauseated - the anesthesiologist is heading my way. I've never. Blopgged in a paper johnnie in pre-op before. I guess I like my blackberry.
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Sunday, October 19, 2008
Mommy has a Grumpy Day
Pequita's stats:
33 lbs puts her in the 99th percentile for weight. 35.5" long is the 90th percentile for weight. No wonder she is wearing mostly size 3 toddler clothes!
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008
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Sunday, October 12, 2008
Time to get up off my perfectionism and JUST DO IT.
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Pequita Turns Two
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The approach.
Climbing the ladders.
We all loved it. We will, I suspect, go there at least once a week through the winter in all but the coldest of times. It is relatively safe, and the babes can only fall 6-8 feet instead of the possible 6 stories. The stairs loop around all over, and there are ladders to each floor and some secret locations as well. It is all open to the outside but has 1" mesh screen cladding all exterior sides.
On the way home, we stopped at the consignment store and spent a few dollars on this very special chair.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
A Week in Pictures
I have, so far, 12 half-pint jars of ground cherry jam on the shelf. Homestead Mama made 10 pints of tomatilla salsa and it too is in jars. We have a half bushel of apples & pears to turn into applesauce, and a few gallons of Concord grape juice to turn into jelly and juice. Every night after the kids go to bed we get a little more food canned. It is delightful.
We've been to pick elderberries at our friend Noona's house [at least that's what the kids call her]. She grew pumpkins, and that is so very exciting! I burned the elderberries when trying to reduce the juice, so no jelly.
We went apple picking to get our applesauce supplies, and found blackberry bushes there too.
We have had a pumpkin carving binge, and sit on the front porch with popcorn most nights and watch the jack-o-lanterns glow and sing pumpkin songs. The kids like to wave good night to them from the nursery window before bed.
And this morning?
My 1-month post-LEEP cervix check went well. The doc has never seen a cervix bounce back this fast, and it looks super. Great, I say. If I have to be a star in some way, why NOT a super hero cervix?
We are off now to get our farm share and gather all the green tomatoes and the last of the ground cherries since frost is wreaking havoc with the crops. Then to find more canning jars, as I've run out.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Retail Therapy
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Friday, October 3, 2008
I'm now driving away from my house to go out with friends - !! It will be an early night, but still - I have mascara on, for goodness sakes.